Friday, June 19, 2009

Tambora 1815

Tambora is on Sumbawa Island along the east Sunda Arc. It lies some 300 kilometers behind the Sunda Trench, but the subduction zone in that area has a shallow dip and is less than 200 kilometers deep beneath Tambora (Alzwar and others, 1981). Tambora is a large stratovolcano composed dominantly of nepheline-normative, leucite-bearing trachybasalt and trachyandesite.Before its eruption in 1815, Tambora might have been in repose for as much as 5,000 years.At least 6 months and probably about 3 years of increased steaming and small phreatic eruptions preceded the 1815 Tambora eruption, the largest in historical time.

section taken from:

This eruption was very large considering the fact that the explosion was heard from 1,400 km away. Now that's a big bang!

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